Sirius International Insurance Corporation

London, The London Underwriting Centre 3 Minster Court Mincing Lane,EC3R 7DD

(Rating: 4, votes: 1)
Phone: show phone number
Street: London, The London Underwriting Centre 3 Minster Court Mincing Lane,EC3R 7DD
Contact form: send e-mail
Sirius International Insurance Corporation - description
Sirius International has a conservative approach to underwriting, based on security and combined with flexibility and speed of decision.

Sirius International writes most classes of non-life reinsurance. The biggest class of business being property but Sirius International also writes accident & health, credit & bond, aerospace and marine portfolios.

Sirius International is also active within certain specialized areas of insurance. These areas are international health and travel insurance, contingency, aviation and property.

We underwrite the portfolio of treaty and facultative business from our head office in Stockholm and offices in Bermuda, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Liège, London, Singapore and Zurich. The portfolio is geared towards shorter-tailed business.

Sirius International has the following ratings from the main rating agencies; A. M. Best A, Moody's A3 and Standard & Poor's A-.
Sirius International Insurance Corporation



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